UDC 625.1:624.131.31

Studies of geologist A.V. Lvov on the Circum-Baikal railroad


A.V. Khobta

Historical Heritage Preservation Division of the East Siberian Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Libraries, a structural subdivision of the East Siberian Railway - a branch of JSCo "Russian Railways", Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Khobta Alexander Viktorovich,

Candidate of Historical Sciences,

7, Karla Marksa St., Irkutsk, 664003,

East Siberian Railroad - branch of JSC "Russian Railways",

Head of the Historic Heritage Preservation Division of the VSCSTIB,

email: dcnti_hobtaav@esrr.ru.

Abstract. The article deals with the activities of geologist A.V. Lvov during the survey work of the Circum-Baikal railroad and at the beginning of operation of the Transbaikal railroad. A detailed survey of the outcrops formed during the construction of the railroad made it possible to refute the previously proposed conclusions of mining engineers and to give detailed recommendations on the protection of the railroad bed from rockfalls, both during construction and at the beginning of the operation of the railroad. Along with geological studies, work was done to determine the sources of water inflow into the most problematic tunnel on the railroad.

Keywords: Circum-Baikal railroad, Transbaikal railroad, Southern Pribaikalie, tunnel, Kultuk, Angara source, mining engineers, geology.

P. 31–48


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For citation

Khobta A.V. Studies of geologist A.V. Lvov on the Circum-Baikal railroad / A.V. Khobta // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. V. 3, No. 3. P. 31–48.DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.31.

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