UDC 553.98

Аchievements of geologists-graduates of the Irkutsk state university in 1973 (meeting in 50 years)


A.T. Korolkov

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Korolkov Aleksey Tikhonovich,

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Professor of ISU,

email: baley51@mail.ru.

Abstract. Meetings of graduates of various universities occur frequently. Geologists graduates meet especially regularly every 5 years. Every meeting is the joy of returning to youth. Many graduates have long been called by name and patronymic. Although after 50 years there are... grandparents, they call each other exclusively by their first names. Such a meeting is not just communication, but also summing up. Each course brings invaluable experience in its field. A review of this work activity shows how much the geologists graduates have done useful for the country. This should be known not only by representatives of Irkutsk State University and students, but also by a wide range of readers.

Keywords: Faculty of Geology of ISU, geological survey and prospecting, geology of oil and gas deposits, gold deposits, achievements of graduates in 1973, awards of graduates.

P. 95–104


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Ivanov A.I. Gold of Baikal-Patom (geology, mineralization, prospects). M.: FSUE TsNIGRI, 2014. 215 p.

Sizykh A.I., Bulanov V.A., Yudenko M.A. Let us wander hundreds of miles. In 5 volumes. Volume 4. Geologists are hard workers, seekers, walkers. 1970 1979. Irkutsk: ISU Publishing House, 2016. 180 p.

For citation

Korolkov A.T. Аchievements of geologists-graduates of the Irkutsk state university in 1973 (meeting in 50 years) / A.T. Korolkov // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. V. 3, No. 3. P. 95–104.DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.95.

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