2024. Vol. 4, No. 4

UDC 551.24.01+552.3 (51)

Study of Geology, Mineral Resources, Earthquakes and Sources of Cenozoic Volcanism in Mongolia by Lecturers of the Geological Faculty of the Irkutsk State University


S.V. Rasskazov1,2, I.S. Chuvashova1

1Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

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About the Authors

Rasskazov Sergei Vasilievich,

doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor,

664025, Irkutsk, st. Lenina, 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Head of Dynamic Geology Char,

664033, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

Head of the Laboratory for Isotopic and Geochronological Studies,

tel.: (3952) 51–16–59,

email: rassk@crust.irk.ru.

Chuvashova Irina Sergeevna,

candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, Senior Researcher,

664033, Irkutsk, Lermontov st., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

Senior Researcher,

tel.: (3952) 51–16–59,

еmail: chuvashova@crust.irk.ru.

Abstract. This paper presents studies of lecturers from the Geological Faculty of Irkutsk State University performed in Mongolia at different times. In 1957–1958, the study of the consequences of the Gobi-Altai earthquake that occurred in Mongolia on December 4, 1957, led to the discovery by N.A. Florensov and V.P. Solonenko of a new scientific direction – paleoseismogeology. The idea of using seismic dislocations newly formed during a strong earthquake to assess past seismic events in the area with similar structures of the geological past was eventually supplemented by American paleoseismogeologists that opened seismic structures by trenches and dated seismic events using the 14C method. In the 1970s, lecturers of the faculty A.G. Kuznetsov, V.A. Suldin and others participated in the work of the Soviet-Mongolian complex Khovsgol expedition. They compiled a geological map of the Khovsgol region and assessed the territory's prospects for phosphorites and bauxites. These works were of practical importance and served as a basis for hydrogeologists, paleoseismogeologists, biologists, soil scientists, chemists and other specialists, who took part in the expedition's work. In the 2001–2024, the authors of this paper substantiated the spatial and temporal change in mantle sources of volcanic rocks of the latest geodynamic stage of the Earth's evolution in Mongolia and linked the origin of lithosphere deformations in the Baikal Rift System with the development of processes in the Japan-Baikal geodynamic corridor.

Keywords: history of geology, Irkutsk State University, Khovsgol, Mongolia, earthquakes, volcanic rocks, Cenozoic.

P. 67–100


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For citation

Rasskazov S.V., Chuvashova I.S. Study of geology, mineral resources, earthquakes and sources of Cenozoic volcanism in Mongolia by lecturers of the Geological Faculty of the Irkutsk State University // Geology and Environment. 2024. Vol. 4, No. 4. P. 67–100.DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2024.4.67

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