UDC 549.291.1(571.53)

Mercury signals of groundwater of the Kultuk area during the preparation and implementation of the Baikal-Khubsugul seismic reactivation in 2020–2021


E.P. Chebykin1,2, A.M. Ilyasova1, S.V. Snopkov3, S.V. Rasskazov1,3

1Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

2Limnological Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

3Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Chebykin Evgeny Pavlovich,

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

664033 Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatarskaya str., 3,

Limnological Institute SB RAS, email: epcheb@yandex.ru.

Ilyasova Aigul Maratovna,

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Leading Engineer,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

email: ila@crust.irk.ru.

Snopkov Sergey Viktorovich,

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

email: snopkov_serg@mail.ru.

Rasskazov Sergey Vasilyevich,

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Head of the Department,

email: rassk@crust.irk.ru.

Abstract.From 5-year monitoring of groundwater in the Kultuk area, long-period (about 2.5 years) and short-period (months) variations in mercury concentration have been established. Long-period variations are associated with the preparation and implementation of the Baikal-Khubsugul seismic reactivation; short-period ones – directly with earthquakes. Mercury concentrations was low in groundwater in 2015, when seismogenic deformations developed in a state of crustal compression, and generally increased to 2020–2021, when seismogenic deformations occurred under extention. The course of the seismic process was reflected in a successive change in mercury/redox potential rеlationship in groundwater. It is proposed that the anomalous behavior of mercury during seismic activity resulted in increasing its concentration in the sedimentary layers of the second half of the 18th century through the present.

Keywords: Baikal, earthquakes, precursors of earthquakes, groundwater, hydrogeochemical monitoring, mercury.


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For citation

Chebykin E.P. Mercury signals of groundwater of the Kultuk area during the preparation and implementation of the Baikal-Khubsugul seismic reactivation in 2020–2021 [Electronic resource] / E.P. Chebykin, A.M. Ilyasova, S.V. Snopkov, S.V. Rasskazov // Geology and Environment.— 2022.— V. 2, No. 1.— P. 7–19. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2022.1.7
Access Mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/g&e22-2-1/chebykin22-1.htm (31.03.2022).

P. 7–19

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