UDC 552.5+551.77+551.211(571.5)

Comparative analysis of geochemical signatures for sources of Cenozoic sedimentary deposits laterally to South Baikal


A. Al Hamud1,2, S.V. Rasskazov1,3I.S. Chuvashova1,3, T.A. Yasnygina3, A. Hassan1,3,4

1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

2Alfurat University, Der Al-Zor, Syria

3Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

4Al Bass University, Homs, Syria

About the Authors

Al Hamoud Adnan,

Postgraduate student,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Alfurat University, Der Al-Zor, Syria,

email: hamoudadnan04@gmail.com.

Rasskazov Sergey Vasilyevich,

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Head of the Department,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

email: rassk@crust.irk.ru.

Chuvashova Irina Sergeevna,

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

email: chuvashova@crust.irk.ru.

Yasnygina Tatyana Aleksandrovna,

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov Str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

email: ty@crust.irk.ru.

Hassan Abdulmonem,

postgraduate student, junior researcher,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

Al Bass University, Homs, Syria,

email: abdulmonemhassan86@gmail.com.

Abstract. Geochemical signatures of Oligocene and Miocene sedimentary deposits from the Khoygot Paleovalley of Vitim Plateau changed successively over time that reflected change in sources of terrigenic material in the context of the migratory nature of the development of the river network. Geochemical signatures of Eocene-Miocene sedimentary deposits from the eastern (Mishikha-Klyuevka) and western (Osinovka) paleovalleys of the Tankhoy tectonic step of South Baikal were uniform that indicates long-term intake of sedimentary material from a common source. Composition of sedimentary material from paleovalleys of the Tankhoy step was controlled by a limited catchment. After the early Pliocene structural reorganization, geochemical signatures of sedimentary deposits from the eastern part of the Tankhoy tectonic step became similar to those of the Pliocene-Quaternary alluvium frpm the Proto-Manzurka valley of the opposite (north-western) coast of Lake Baikal. It is assumed that the common source of Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentary material was located in Jurassic (Pra-Manzurka) and Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous (eastern part of the Tankhoy tectonic step) sedimentary rocks, disintegrated and eroded on the uplifts of the Primorsky and Khamar-Daban ranges.

Keywords: Cis-Baikal region, Vitim plateau, sedimentary deposits, cenozoic, lithocheochemistry.

P. 110–121


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For citation

Al Hamud A. Comparative analysis of geochemical signatures for sources of Cenozoic sedimentary deposits laterally to South Baikal [Electronic resource] / A. Al Hamud, S.V. Rasskazov, I.S. Chuvashova, T.A. Yasnygina, A. Hassan // Geology and Environment.— 2022.— V. 2, No. 1.— P. 110–121. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2022.1.110
Access Mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/g&e22-2-1/hamud22-1.htm (31.03.2022).

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