UDC 551.21(571.53)

Underwater volcanic eruptions at the beginning of formation Lakes Baikal and Khubsugul


Ch. Shoidonov 1, S.V. Rasskazov1,2

1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

2Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Shoidonov Chingis,

Speciality Student,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

email: chingis01@bk.ru.

Rasskazov Sergey Vasilyevich,

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov Str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Head of the Department,

email: rassk@crust.irk.ru.

Abstract. Terrestrial volcanism was widely distributed in the Tunka Valley of the Baikal Rift Zone. Underwater eruptions were characteristic only of the areas of connection of the eastern and western ends of the valley, respectively, with basins of lakes Baikal and Khubsugul. The Kultuk volcano erupted in underwater conditions in the early Miocene, about 18 Ma and the Hulugaisha and Gorkhonka ones – in the middle of the Miocene, about 15–14 Ma. Underwater volcanic eruptions, along with the accumulation of fine-grained sediments show existence in the early and middle Miocene of water reserviors that could belong to lakes Baikal and Khubsugul that were formed at that time.

Keywords: Baikal, underwater volcanism, cenozoic.

P. 122–134


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For citation

Shoydonov Ch. Underwater volcanic eruptions at the beginning of formation Lakes Baikal and Khubsugul [Electronic resource] / Ch. Shoidonov, S.V. Rasskazov // Geology and Environment.— 2022.— V. 2, No. 1.— P. 122–134. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2022.1.122
Access Mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/g&e22-2-1/shoydonov22-1.htm (31.03.2022).

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