UDC 551.33+551.34

Cryogenic lithopotoks of the Munku-Sardyk mountain range


S.N. Kovalenko, U.V. Akulova

Irkutsk State University, geological faculty, Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Kovalenko Sergei Nikolaevich,

candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences,

664003 Irkutsk, st. Lenina, d. 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

assistant professor,

еmail: kovalenko@mail.ru.

Akulova Yuliya Vasilevna,

2nd year undergraduate student of the Faculty of Geology of ISU,

664003 Irkutsk, st. Lenina, d. 3,

еmail: akulovaulia6184@gmail.com.

Abstract. The article deals with exogenous cryogenic relief-forming litopotoks: periglacial (supraglacial) zone, modern glacial zone; the thermal zone of paleoglacials of regressive stage, erosive or fluvial zone of proluvial, solifluction, high-altitude ice and permafrost-stone mountain streams.

Keywords: lithotok, periglacial zone, glacial zone, thermal zone, paleoglacials, mudflows, aufeis, solifluction terraces, permafrost-stone mountain streams.

P. 128–138


Ivanovsky L.N. Glacial geomorphology of mountains (on the example of Siberia and the Far East) / L.N. Ivanovsky.– Novosibirsk : Nauka, 1981.– 173 p.

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For citation

Kovalenko S.N. Cryogenic lithopotoks of the Munku-Sardyk mountain range [Electronic resource] / S.N. Kovalenko, U.V. Akulova // Geology and Environment.— 2022.— V. 2, No. 2.— P. 128–138. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2022.2.128
Access Mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/g&e22-2-2/kovalenko22-2.htm (30.06.2022).

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