UDC 551.435

Experience of highlighting modern and ancient snowfields of the Munku-Sardyk mountain range


S.N. Kovalenko1, I.I. Gergenov2

1Irkutsk State University, geological faculty, Irkutsk, Russia

2Pedagogical Institute Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Kovalenko Sergey Nikolaevich,

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Associate Professor of the Department of Dynamic Geology,

tel.: (3952)20-16-39,

email: igpug@mail.ru.

Gergenov Igor Ivanovich,

2nd year student,

664011 Irkutsk, ul. Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya, d. 6,

Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University,

tel.: 89016680809,

еmail: tantal14igor@mail.ru.

Abstract. The article discusses the results of the summer expedition of 2022 to study high-altitude permafrost-stone lithopotoks and solifluction processes. The materials of the article logically develop ideas about the lithocourses of the region not only of the cryogenic period of their existence, but at the subsequent erosion-proluvial stages of the regular completion, as a result of this, a vertical-age ladder of the main forms of relief of the Munku-Sardyk mountain range was obtained, the places of their localization, the mechanism of occurrence, functioning and further evolution were determined.

Keywords: Munku-Sardyk mountain range, mudflows, solifluction terraces, permafrost-stone mountain streams, suffosia, long-lived mountain cliffs, proluvial deposits.

P. 133–148


Ivanovsky L.N. Glacial geomorphology of mountains (on the example of Siberia and the Far East) / L.N. Ivanovsky.– Novosibirsk : Nauka, 1981.– 173 p.

Kovalenko S.N. On the boundaries and volumes of modern glaciation of the district of Munku-Sardyk (Eastern Sayan) / S.N. Kovalenko // Vestnik resentrytsi geografii Vost.-Sib. State Academy of Education. – 2014. – No. 1 (9).– P. 19–31.

Kovalenko S.N. Types of mountain relief and the origin of ice in the area of mount Munku-Sardyk / S.N. Kovalenko, E.V. Munkoeva // Vestnik resentrytsi geografii Vost.-Sib. State Academy of Education.– 2013.– No. 3–4 (8).– P. 24–44.

Kovalenko S.N. Glacial geomorphology of the district of Munku-Sardyk. Article 1. Forms of local glaciation of the valleys of the rivers Muguvek and Belyi Irkut // Vestnik resentrytsi geografii Vost.-Sib. State Academy of Education.– 2011.– No. 1 (2).– P. 38–62.

For citation

Kovalenko S.N. Experience of highlighting modern and ancient snowfields of the Munku-Sardyk mountain range [Electronic resource] / S.N. , I.I. Gergenov // Geology and Environment.— 2022.— V. 2, No. 3.— P. 133–148. https://doi.org/10.26516/2541-9641.2022.3.133
Access Mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/g&e22-2-3/kovalenko22-3b.htm (30.09.2022).

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