R.T. Akbiev1,2, M.S. Abakanov 1
1Eurasian SEISMO Association, Moscow, Russia
2Central Institute for Research and Design of the Ministry of Construction, Moscow, Russia
Akbiev Rustam Toganovich,
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Eurasian SEISMO Association, Head of the Department of Integrated Urban Planning Safety of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsNIIP of the Ministry of Construction of Russia", Russia, Moscow,
+7 (926) 075-1111,
email: akbi.rust@gmail.com.
Abakanov Mirken Seitkasymovich,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Member-Corr. International Academy of Engineering, Vice-President of the Eurasian SEISMO Association, Scientific Director of the Interregional Research and Experimental Center (NIEX), Kazakhstan, Almaty.
Abstract. In this article, based on the analysis of the seismotectonic and seismological situation, an assessment of the consequences of the earthquake in Turkey is carried out. Geotectonic processes in the region, the largest earthquakes in the recent history of Turkey are considered. A comparative analysis of the standards for earthquake-resistant construction in Turkey, Russia and the CIS countries was carried out.
Keywords: earthquake, seismic activity, urban planning regulation, earthquake-resistant construction, destruction, safety, seismic impacts, protection of buildings and structures.
P. 35–51
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