UDC 574.9

Educational field practice in geomapping at the Faculty of Geology of Irkutsk University


S.N. Kovalenko1, I.K. Dekabryov2, A.A. Yuryev2, I.A. Bogdanova1

1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

2Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

About the Authors

Kovalenko Sergey Nikolaevich,

candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Assistant Professor,

tel.: (3952)20-16-39,

email: igpug@mail.ru.

Dekabryov Ilya Konstantinovich,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

Lead Engineer,

tel.: (642) 77–46–21,

email: ilyadekabrev@gmail.com.

Yuriev Anton Alexandrovich,

664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 128,

Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,

Lead Engineer,

tel.: (148) 78–20–97,

email: zuzua2016@gmail.com.

Bogdanova Irina Anatolievna,

664003 Irkutsk, Lenin str., 3,

Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,

Senior Lecturer,

еmail: irinairk@gmail.com.

Abstract. The article provides a detailed description of all geological formations represented by: ages from the Archean Acron to the Cenozoic Era; sedimentary rocks of different stratigraphic units, different-age magmatic complexes, metamorphic and dynamometamorphic rocks and the sequence of their formation; modern loose formations of slope, proluvial-gravel, lake, alluvial, glacial, solifluctional and others minerals and organic remains, folds and discontinuities of different morphology and genesis within several key areas of the Baikal region and the vicinity of Irkutsk, which have to be studied by students at the educational field practice on geomapping, after the second year of study at the University. In the process of geomapping students are trained in methods of mapping and cameral processing of all these geological formations and presenting the results in the form of a scientific and production report at the end of the practice.

Keywords: educational field practice in geomapping, methods and objects of educational geological mapping of the Baikal region and the surrounding area of Irkutsk.

P. 132–164


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For citation

Kovalenko S.N. Educational field practice in geomapping at the Faculty of Geology of Irkutsk University / S.N. Kovalenko, I.K. Dekabryov , A.A. Yuriev, I.A. Bogdanova // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. – 2023.— V. 3, No. 2.— P. 132–164.DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.2.132.

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