S.V. Rasskazov
Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
Rasskazov Sergei Vasilievich,
doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor,
664025 Irkutsk, st. Lenina, 3,
Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Geology,
Head of Dynamic Geology Chair,
664033 Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 128,
Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS,
Head of the Laboratory for Isotopic and Geochronological Studies,
tel.: (3952) 51–16–59,
email: rassk@crust.irk.ru.
Abstract. The author of the paper have been in touch with Prof. Grudinin for a long time and characterizes the Grudinin’s contribution to study of basic and ultrabasic rocks in Southern Siberia and on training of students at the geological faculty of Irkutsk State University.
Keywords: Mafic rocks, hyperbasic rocks, Southern Siberia, Baikal.
P. 182–197
The Baikal. The Geology. The Human being / M.I. Grudinin, I.S. Chuvashova (compilers). Irkutsk: ISU Publishing House, 2011. 239 p.
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Geological monuments of the Baikal / G.V. Ryazanov (compiler). Novosibirsk: "Science". Siberian Publishing Company, 1993. 160 p.
Grudinin M.I. Mafic-ultrabasic magmatism of the Baikal mountain region. Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. department, 1979. 156 p.
Grudinin M.I., Chuvashova I.S. Fundamentals of Geology: textbook. Irkutsk: ISU Publishing House, 2017. 228 p.
Grudinin M.I., Menshagin Yu.V. Ultrabasites of the early stages of development of the earth's crust // DAN USSR. 1982. T. 265, No. 6.
Grudinin M.I., Menshagin Yu.V. Archean ultrabasites of the Baikal region // Geology and Geophysics. 1983. No. 5. P. 14–22.
Grudinin M.I., Menshagin Yu.M. Ultramafic-mafic assamlages of the Early Precambrian. Novosibirsk: Science. 1987. 155 p.
Grudinin M.I., Khrustaleva A.V. First educational geological practice: Textbook. Irkutsk: ISU Publishing House, 2001. 52 p.
Grudinin M.I., Gerasimov N.S., Rasskazov S.V. Heterogeneous gabbro-syenite complex of the Baikal region // Alkaline magmatism of the Earth and its ore content. Kyiv, 2007. P. 57–58.
Grudinin M.I., Rasskazov S.V., Kovalenko S.N., Ilyasova A.M. Early Paleozoic gabbro-syenite Snezhnaya massif of the South-Western Baikal region // Geology and Geophysics. 2004. Vol. 45, No. 9. P. 1092–1101.
Grudinin M.I., Rasskazov S.V., Kovalenko S.N., Ilyasova A.M. Snezhnaya massif – petrotype of the Early Ordovician gabbro-syenite formation of the Southern Baikal region // Petrology of igneous and metamorphic complexes. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the scientific conference. Tomsk: Tomsk State University, 2001. P. 129–132.
Grudinin M.I., Rasskazov S.V., Menshagin Yu.V., Ershov K.V., Parygina A.N. Ultramafic-mafic complexes and deep xenoliths from Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the structure of the Southern Baikal region // Ophiolites: geology, petrology, metallogeny and geodynamics. Proceedings of the International Conference (XII reading in memory of A.N. Zavaritsky). Ekaterinburg: Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006, P. 196–199.
Kovalenko S.N., Rasskazov S.V., Grudinin M.I. Structural and petrological evolution of the Snezhnaya gabbro-syenite massif (Southern Baikal region) // Geology and Environment. 2022. Vol. 2, No. 3. P. 20–29. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2022.3.20
Lahaye Y. et al. The influence of alteration on the trace-element and isotopic compositions of komatiites / // Chem. Geology. 1995. Vol. 126. P. 43–64.
Rasskazov S.V., Grudinin M.I., Snopkov S.V., Chuvashova I.S. Volcanism, sedimentation and tectonics of the Tunka Valley – excursion objects for geologists, students and schoolchildren // Extended abstracts of the report in the collection: Environmental activities in modern society. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tunka National Park – 20 years old; environmental activities in modern society.” Irkutsk: publishing house of the Institute of Geography named after. V.B. Sochavy SB RAS, 2011, P. 76–78.
Rasskazov S.V., Grudinin M.I., Chuvashova I.S. Transition from the Hadean to Archean: change in magmatism and the nature of the evolution of ore lead // Tectonics, magmatism and geodynamics of East Asia. VII Kosygin readings: materials of the All-Russian conference. Khabarovsk: Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics named after. Yu.A. Kosygina Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011, P. 612–620.
Sryvtsev N.A., Gerasimov N.S., Grudinin M.I., Kalmychkova T.N. On the issue of isotope dating of the Ozersky massif of the Olkhon region // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. Collection of scientific papers. Irkutsk: Irkut. state Univ., 2007. P. 181–188.
Chuvashova I.S., Rasskazov S.V. Sources of magmatism in the mantle of the evolving Earth. Irkutsk: ISU Publishing House, 2014. 291 p.
Rasskazov S.V. About Methodius Ivanovich Grudinin – researcher of basites and hyperbasites of Siberia and teacher of fundamentals of geology DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2024.1.182 // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2024. V. 4, No. 1. P. 182–197.
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