2024. Vol. 4, No. 2

UDC 550.34.032

Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists on Earth Sciences of the IGU Faculty of Geology 2024


Yu.S. Andreeva

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

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About the Authors

Andreeva Yuliya Sergeevna,

664025, Irkutsk, Lenin st., 3,

Department of Oil and Gas Geology Irkutsk State University,

Senior Lecturer,

tel. 89086534398,

email: afanasevaus@mail.ru.

Abstract. A brief review of the scientific conference of students and young scientists on Earth Sciences of the geological faculty of IGU 2024, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Department of Oil and Gas Geology, the 75th anniversary of the geological faculty of IGU and the memory of Academician N.A. Logachev in connection with the 95th anniversary of his birth.

Keywords: : scientific conference, scientific research, young scientists, geological faculty of IGU.

P. 213–217



For citation

Yu.S. Andreeva Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists on Earth Sciences of the IGU Faculty of Geology 2024 // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2024. Vol. 4, No. 2. P. 213–217.DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2024.2.213.

Full article text (Russian)

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