Picture 1 pgs.
2023. Vol. 3, No. 3


From the editorial board of the journal

From the editorial board of the journal / Editorial Board // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 5–6. Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/from-editorial-board.pdf (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 151 Kb]


1. Rasskazov S.V., Kovalenko S.N., Snopkov S.V. Explorers and history of geological exploration in Eastern Siberia: introduction / S.V. Rasskazov, S.N. Kovalenko, S.V. Snopkov // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 7–11. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.7.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/rasskazov23-3.htm (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 390 Kb]

2. Хобта А.В. Geological studies along the Circum-Baikal railroad made in the late XIX-early XX centuries / A.V. Khobta // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 12–30. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.12.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/khobta23-3.htm (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 1111 Kb]

3. Khobta A.V. Studies of geologist A.V. Lvov on the Circum-Baikal railroad / A.V. Khobta // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 31-48. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.31.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/khobta23-3a.htm (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 1252 Kb]

4. Snopkov S.V., Khobta A.V., Bogdanova I.A. History of geological study of the Botogol graphite deposit / S.V. Snopkov, A.V. Khobta, I.A. Bogdanova // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 49–76. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.49.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/snopkov23-3.htm (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 4241 Kb]

5. Kovalenko S.N., Kitov A.D. Research of Munku-Sardyk glaciers by S.P. Peretolchin, started at the beginning of the XX century, and its present-day continuation / S.N. Kovalenko, A.D. Kitov // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 77–86. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.77.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/kovalenko23-3.htm (30.09.2023).         [Download, view the article with a volume of 1173 Kb]

6. Korolkov A.T., Vasenkov D.K. Predecessors and participants in the discovery of the Markov oil and gas field / A.T. Korolkov, D.K. Vasenkov // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 87–94. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.87.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/korolkov23-3.htm (30.09.2023).         [Download, view the article with a volume of 530 Kb]

7. Korolkov A.T. Аchievements of geologists-graduates of the Irkutsk state university in 1973 (meeting in 50 years) / A.T. Korolkov // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 95–104. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.95.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/korolkov23-3a.htm (30.09.2023).         [Download, view the article with a volume of 1218 Kb]

8. Rasskazov S.V., Chuvashova I.S. IInitial substantiation and subsequent perception of hypotheses on structure and development of the Baikal system of basins / S.V. Rasskazov, I.S. Chuvashova // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 105–148. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.105.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/rasskazov23-3a.htm (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 3157 Kb]

9. Chuvashova I.S., Rasskazov S.V. Breakthrough in Research and Dating of Latest Volcanism in the Baikal Rift System and its Significance for Understanding Latest Geodynamics of Asia / I.S. Chuvashova, S.V. Rasskazov // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 149–197. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.149.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/chuvashova23-3.htm (30.09.2023).        [Download, view the article with a volume of 3755 Kb]


10. Rusenek О.Т. Victor Davidovich Matz: geologist-baikalologist / O.T. Rusenek // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Т. 3, No. 3. P. 198–204. DOI 10.26516/2541-9641.2023.3.198.
Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/rusenek23-3.htm (30.09.2023).         [Download, view the article with a volume of 814 Kb]

Rules for authors

Rules for authors / Editorial // Geology and Environment : electronic scientific journal. 2023. Vol. 3, No. 3. P. 205–206. Access mode: http://geoenvir.ru/archive/23-3-3/for-authors.pdf (30.09.2023).        [Download the Rules in Word format .doc 77 Kb]

The full current issue of the journal is in .PDF-format and 4688 Kb can be downloaded | [In here] |

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